Please provide the following:
HEADLINE (mandatory)
TEASER TEXT (mandatory)
(mandatory) 250 words Max
Any other pics to be featured in a gallery (optional)
Videos need to be uploaded to clients own YOUTUBE or VIMEO account and link to uploaded video supplied to us.
TEADS InRead VIDEOS - Embedded in article pages
- File type: mp4
- Maximum file size: 3MB (low file weight important due to Heavy Ad Intervention* block in web browsers)
- Ratio: 16:9
- Dimension: 1280x720px (Responsive to the page level)
- Length: 15/20 sec max
- FPS: 24
- Click-Thru URL (or VAST redirect)
Third-party hosted tags accepted:
- 1x1 VAST
- JS
- All tags must be SSL only
- Maximum file size of hosted creative: 3MB (low file weight important due to Heavy Ad Intervention* block in web browsers)
Material deadline 5 working days prior to start date
*Regarding Heavy Ad Intervention
Heavy Ad Intervention is a new feature on Chrome and Edge browsers that will block all ads considered "heavy" on the user's device resources (unless the user interacts with the ads by clicking on them): either because they use too much network bandwidth (>4MB) or because they use too much CPU.
Heavy Ad criteria:
- Uses the main thread for more than 60 seconds in total
- Uses the main thread for more than 15 seconds in any 30 second window
- Uses more than 4 megabytes of network bandwidth
HTML5 ad items
A Rich Media Ad contained in a zip archive.
HTML5 is not available for eNews ads
- Archive contains at least one html file.
- Design should be responsive with a max width to ad dimension
- All resources referenced by relative URLs.
- Relative URLs match file path in archive.
- Click tracking macros are to be implemented (details follow »)
- Supply a static backup image (jpg/png/gif)
- All assets supplied 5 business days before launch
- Be within Google's Heavy Ad criteria in order to display in Chrome web browsers.* See more »
HTML5 and Third-party tags require implementation of click tracking macros for reporting purposes.
For instructions, see more information here:
Click Macro Implementation
Add the macro [TRACKING_LINK] or [TRACKING_LINK_ENCODED] as your link or JavaScript in the file named "index.html".
- [TRACKING_LINK] - unescaped click tracking macro
- [TRACKING_LINK_ENCODED] - escaped click tracking macro
Consult with your ad tag provider to know where you need to insert tracking macros and whether you need to use a basic TRACKING_LINK or TRACKING_LINK_ENCODED macro.
An example of a 3rd-Party Ad Tag with included tracking link macros:
JavaScript Method examples
In the of the HTML file, add:
<script>window.clickTag = '[TRACKING_LINK]';></script>
In the click handler function of your ad, ensure that window.clickTag is used as the redirect URL:, '_blank');
Or wherever you would usually use the click-thru URL, use the click macro [TRACKING_LINK] or [TRACKING_LINK_ENCODED] instead.
For example:
Basic Link Method example
If JavaScript is not being used for click redirection, introduce the Macro as:
<a href="[TRACKING_LINK]" target="_blank">CLICK ME</a>
Or wherever you would usually use the click-thru URL, use the click macro [TRACKING_LINK] or [TRACKING_LINK_ENCODED] instead.
Provide the destination URL to the advertising co-ordinator and we will add it to the campaign in our ad server.
See the following link for more examples of implementing the tracking macro:
Note: without click tracking macros iplemented, accurate reporting cannot be supplied.
Other specs:
- Should support GPT Sync, Async and Legacy Dart rendering
- Should always conform to the ad boundary and visibility that are set by the site, in particular when ad div is relocated or hidden on window resizing
- Initial file size = 40KB
- Total file size = 200kb (without video), 1MB (true video streaming only, progressive download must be on user click)
- Animation: maximum 30 seconds in duration
- Looping: no limit
- Frame rate per second: 24 fps or less
Creative guide recommendations:
Mobile Requirement for HTML5
Leaderboard / Extended Leaderboard / Billboard
additional size required for correct display on mobile
If booking an HTML5 leaderboard, extended leaderboard or billboard, also design a mobile placement at 300x50 (leaderboard) / 300x100 (extended leaderboard) / 300x150 (billboard) and supply an additional HTML5 package at this size, as well as the desktop size.
Backup image
Please provide a backup jpg/gif image file (under 250kb) in case of any delivery or platform compatibility issues with the HTML5.
Working time
Because of the variability in the HTML5 format, we request all final and approved HTML5 code and assets supplied five business days prior to launch for loading, testing and potential adjustment to meet compatibility with our ad server system.
- all supporting assets must be under 250kb
- all supplied files must be contained in a zip archive
- the html file must be in the root directory of the zip archive
- all other supplied assets and code can be in the root or sub-directories
- a static backup image should be supplied (jpg/png/gif)
All HTML5 content must be supplied five business days prior to launch for testing to verify compatibility with our system.
HTML5 requires implementation of click tracking macros.
For instructions, see more information here:
Without click tracking macros implemented, accurate reporting cannot be supplied.
Web browser compatibility
Some web browsers, such as Internet Explorer, may have problems with certain HTML5 elements
Resources and tools
Current list of HTML5 enabled browsers:
For more information, see the
Third-party tags
Using a custom HTML / 3rd-Party ad tag you can provide a block of HTML code for a custom ad or tracking script.
If you wish to receive reporting from Yaffa on your third-party ad item, you will need to insert our click tracking macros.
For more information, see:
See the following link for more examples of implementing the tracking macro:
Further details for 3rd Party INS Tag:
Third-party ad tags must be supplied five business days prior to launch for testing to verify compatibility with our system.
Third party ads must be within Google's Heavy Ad criteria in order to display in Chrome web browsers.* See more »
Contact your third-party ad server for all assistance with hosting, loading and troubleshooting on their platform.
Suggested third-party vendors:
Mobile Requirement for Third-Party ad tags
Leaderboard / Extended Leaderboard / Billboard
- additional size required for correct display on mobile
If booking a third-party leaderboard, extended leaderboard or billboard, also design a mobile placement at 300x50 (leaderboard) / 300x100 (extended leaderboard) / 300x150 (billboard) and supply an additional third-party ad tag at this size, as well as the desktop size. Or supply a backup jpg/gif/png image file size under 250kb.
Backup image
Please provide a backup jpg/gif/png image in case of any delivery or platform compatibility issues with the third-party hosted ads.
- Click-through URL/Web Address needs to be provided
- File size must be no larger than 250KB
- 960 (w) x 500 (h) pixels
- Image file: gif/png/jpg
- Material deadline 5 working days prior to start date
- Click-through URL/Web Address needs to be provided
- File size must be no larger than 200kb
- 728 (w) x 90 (h) pixels Leaderboard
- Static or animated GIF/PNG/JPG files or HTML5** (see additional HTML5 requirements here »)
- Material deadline 5 working days prior to start date
HTML5 must be within Google's Heavy Ad criteria in order to display in Chrome web browsers.* See more »
**HTML5 Mobile Requirement: also design for mobile at 300x50 and supply additional HTML5 package at this size (one at the desktop size, one at the mobile size) See more HTML5 specs here »
- Click-through URL/Web Address needs to be provided
- File size must be no larger than 200kb
- 960 (w) x 90 (h) pixels Leaderboard
- Static or animated GIF/PNG/JPG files or HTML5** (see additional HTML5 requirements here »)
- Material deadline 5 working days prior to start date
**HTML5 must be within Google's Heavy Ad criteria in order to display in Chrome web browsers.* See more »
HTML5 Mobile Requirement: also design for mobile at 300x100 and supply additional HTML5 package at this size (one at the desktop size, one at the mobile size) See more HTML5 specs here »
- Click-through URL/Web Address needs to be provided
- File size must be no larger than 200kb
- 300 (w) x 600 (h)
- Static or animated GIF/PNG/JPG files or HTML5** (see additional HTML5 requirements here »)
- Material deadline 5 working days prior to start date
**HTML5 must be within Google's Heavy Ad criteria in order to display in Chrome web browsers.* See more »
- Click-through URL/Web Address needs to be provided
- File size must be no larger than 200kb
- 300 (w) x 250 (h) pixels MREC
- Static or animated GIF/PNG/JPG files or HTML5** (see additional HTML5 requirements here »)
- Material deadline 5 working days prior to start date
**HTML5 must be within Google's Heavy Ad criteria in order to display in Chrome web browsers.* See more »
- Click-through URL/Web Address needs to be provided
- File size must be no larger than 250kb
- 960 (w) x 250 (h) pixels
- Static or animated GIF/PNG/JPG files or HTML5** (see additional HTML5 requirements here »)
- Material deadline 5 working days prior to start date
**HTML5 must be within Google's Heavy Ad criteria in order to display in Chrome web browsers. See more »
HTML5 Mobile Requirement: also design for mobile at 300x150 and supply additional HTML5 package at this size (one at the desktop size, one at the mobile size) See more HTML5 specs here »
Rail ads appear in the external left/right-hand side margin of the website.
Not visible in mobile view.
Note: only visible for users with a screen resolution of 1360x765 or more (web browser zoom 100%).
Not visible in mobile view.
- 160 pixels (w) x 750 pixels (h) each gutter ad
- File size must be no larger than 200kb
- Static or animated GIF/PNG/JPG files or HTML5** (see additional HTML5 requirements here »)
- Click-through URL/Web Address needs to be provided
**HTML5 must be within Google's Heavy Ad criteria in order to display in Chrome web browsers. See more »
Creative guide to RAILS:
- Rails can be used to support the MREC/LARGE MREC messaging and draw users to an experience.
- Rail imagery is aligned to top of page and sit out slightly away from the page edges.
- Rail imagery is set in position (does not scroll with page).
- Rails can click through to the client website. Click through URL/Web Address needs to be provided
- Property brand cannot be obscured or encroached upon (any logos, images or text should be positioned at least 150px from the top of the page).
- Rails must not display any external URLs on the creative.
- Rails must be in keeping with the style of the property.
- Rails can contain subtle animation flashing, blinking or excessive animations will not be approved.
- Final creative is subject to approval by YAFFA and must be submitted 5 working days prior to live date.
Note: only visible for users with a screen resolution of 1280x600 or more (web browser zoom 100%).
HTML5 is not available in this position.
Not available in mobile view.
- 1920px wide by 1200px high
- Static JPEG or GIF only
- Background must fade to single colour
- File size must be no larger than 250kb
- Click-through URL/Web Address needs to be provided
A guide to the 'safe area':
- for small screens, contain essential information towards top of image and within the area 465px from left/right edge of image
- display of content outside this area will depend on individual user's screen resolution
- no content will be visible in the centre 990px of image (do not fill with white space)
- click here for the safe area guide
HTML5 is not available for email ads.
- Click-through URL/Web Address needs to be provided
- File size must be no larger than 200kb
- 600 (w) x 90 (h) pixels
- Static or animated GIF file or static JPG files only
- Third party tags, urls & tracking pixels can not be used for enewsletter ads
- Note: animated GIFs are not supported by Outlook (ad may freeze on its first frame). Other email providers such Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc. should see the animation as intended.
- Click-through URL/Web Address needs to be provided
- File size must be no larger than 200kb
- 468 (w) x 60 (h) pixels
- Static or animated GIF file or static JPG files only
- Third party tags, urls & tracking pixels can not be used for enewsletter ads
- Note: animated GIFs are not supported by Outlook (ad may freeze on its first frame). Other email providers such Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc. should see the animation as intended.
- Click-through URL/Web Address needs to be provided
- File size must be no larger than 200kb
- 300 (w) x 250 (h) pixels MREC
- Static or animated GIF file or static JPG files only
- Third party tags, urls & tracking pixels can not be used for enewsletter ads
- Note: animated GIFs are not supported by Outlook (ad may freeze on its first frame). Other email providers such Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc. should see the animation as intended.
Material must be supplied in HTML code format, which has been specifically designed for email (i.e. not a webpage)
We do not edit supplied HTML. It needs to be provided as complete, tested and final.
Material supply deadline is 10 WORKING DAYS prior to send date
- Supply: one standalone HTML file (e.g. index.html)
Hosted images: For the creative to display properly, all associated images need to be hosted on a public facing server at your end, and their full source location referenced in the HTML code (e.g. <img src=“”>).
Supplied images: Alternatively, images can be supplied for upload and local hosting alongside the HTML.
- Supply: all supporting images in .zip archive (e.g., maintaining correct image paths and filenames as referred to in the HTML file.
- Make sure your image paths and filenames don't contain the + character.
- The ZIP file containing your images should follow the same path structure as your HTML references. For example, if your HTML references images/picture.jpg, make sure your ZIP file contains the "images" folder, and "picture.jpg" within that.
Total package size should not exceed 5MB
JavaScript and Flash are not accepted as these technologies are generally not supported by email clients.
Additional requirements:
- Client must supply the email Subject Line
- Max design width of 600 pixels is recommended
- A list of email addresses for testing and approval purposes can be provided
- Include any third-party tracking tags in the HTML before supplying
- Please include the disclaimer code below at the end of your eDM's content, to show our disclaimer text and 'manage preferences' and 'unsubscribe' links:
Download the eDM footer code here »
For more detailed guidelines on creating the EDM please click here (
ALTERNATIVE STATIC eDM OPTION - for clients who can't provide HTML code
If a client does not have access to an HTML designer and cannot supply HTML code, they can provide their eDM as a static image:
- Designed artwork (jpg, png, gif) at 600px wide (max. 900px high)
- 200kb max file size
- Design to refer to one click-through link only
- Click-through URL to be provided
- Client must supply the email blast Subject Line
- Client list of Email addresses can be provided for testing and approvals